Online Digital Billboard Ad Examples

When it comes to online digital billboard advertising, what are some examples of ads? In this post, we will cover some of the best online billboard ad examples and their exact sizes to get the most out of your online billboard ad!

A few tips to always remember:

  1. Keep Your Brand Consistent
  2. Include Your Logo And Name
  3. Include Your Phone Number 
  4. List A Call To Action Button Such As “Learn More”
  5. List Your Website URL 
  6. Make The Ad Short & Memorable

1. Online Medium Rectangle Billboard Ad Example
Size - (300 x 250)

About the Medium Rectangle Billboard Ad Example

300×250 Also known as a “medium rectangle billboard ad example” tends to have more ad inventory available for advertisers. This option works on every internet enabled device ranging from computers, tablets, phones, TVs and much more!

This online billboard ad example is highly recommended to include in your online advertising campaign to maximize your reach and increase visitors to your website to grow your business. 


Create Your Own Billboard Ad example for my online billboard advertisng

2. Leaderboard Billboard Ad Example
Size - (728 x 90)

About the leaderboard Billboard Ad Example

728×90 Also known as a “leaderboard.” Tends to have more ad inventory available from advertisers, which can increase earnings when both text and image ads are enabled. This option works on both desktop, tablet, and mobile.

This online billboard ad example is highly recommended to include in your online advertising campaign to maximize your reach and increase visitors to your website to grow your business. 

Online Digital BIllboard Ad Examples728x90 1

3. Mobile Leaderboard Ad Example
Size - (320 x 50)

About the mobile leaderboard Ad Example

320×50 Also known as the “mobile leaderboard.” This format is a mobile-optimized banner. These ads fill the width of a smartphone screen and allow you to advertise across mobile apps, games, websites, and much more on every smartphone device.

This online billboard ad example is highly recommended to include in your online advertising campaign to maximize your reach and increase visitors to your website to grow your business.  Especially if you are wanting to advertise more on mobile apps. 

Online Digital BIllboard Ad Examples 320x50 1

4. Half Page Billboard Ad Example
Size - (600 x 300)

About the half page billboard Ad Example

300×600 Sometimes referred to as a “half-page.” This format provides a larger space for advertisers to get their message across and can offer users rich engagement. This size fits mostly desktops, tablets, and smart TVs due to its large size.

The half-page billboard ad is recommended if you are trying to reach people on their computers and tablets as they browse online or do their work. 

Online Digital BIllboard Ad Examples 300x600 1

5. Wide Skyscraper Billboard Ad Example
Size - (160 x 600)

About the wide skyscraper billboard Ad Example

160×600 Also known as a “wide skyscraper” Tends to have more ad inventory available and empowers you to reach more people. This ad is mostly shown on desktops, tablets, and tvs.

This online billboard ad example of the wide skyscraper billboard ad is recommended for anyone looking to advertise to computer users and would like the cheapest option to increase your reach. 

Texas Norton Wide Skyscraper

Conclusion of online billboard ad examples

While there are plenty of other options and examples to advertise your online billboard ad. These 5 above are the most highly recommended to begin an online advertising campaign with. 

Some other options that are acceptable are: 

All supported image sizes: 300×250, 728×90, 160×600, 300×600, 970×250, 336×280, 468×60, 234×60, 120×600, 120×240, 300×1050, 970×90, 250×250, 200×200, 180×150, 125×125, 320×50, 320×320, 320×100