- 300
- 12/18/2022
- 01/19/2023
- 25-34 | 35-44 | 45-54 | 55-64 | 65+
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- Active Military Member | Contributes to Charities | Deals and Offers | Health & Wellness | House Hunting Online | LGBTQ Shows & News | Online Shopping | PGA Tour Enthusiast | Real Estate | RV Enthusiast | Social Media | Sports
- Bachelor's Degree | Business Owner | Graduate Degree | Home Owner | Household Size 2-4 | Household Size 5+ | Marital Status Married | Marital Status Single | New Homeowner Last 12 Months | New Mover Last 12 Months | New Parent | Parents With Children | Single Parent Family
- Accountants / CPAs | Architects | Attorneys / Legal | Beauty | Chiropractors | Clerical Office | Computer Professionals | Dentist / Dental | Doctors | Engineers | Farmers | Financial Services | Health Services | Management | Military | Nurse | Optician / Optometrist | Pharmacist | Professional Driver | Psychologist | Real Estate | Retail Sales | Retired | Sales & Marketing | Self-Employed | Teachers | Veterinarian
- Travel: Business Travelers
- Oklahoma City Metro
- US
- OK
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